How To Get Salon Quality Silky Feet At Home

Last week over on my IG stories, I documented my new post-period pampering routine. The genius idea came after watching a TikTok of a fabulous Jewish lady discussing her Mikvah ritual after her cycle had ended, in which she visited the Mikvah (a traditional Jewish public bath to cleanse the body of impurities) and then would do a spot of pampering as well. I decided that I too wanted to pamper myself after my period, as my quest to have a pleasant one has been wavering lately.

Part of my post-period pamper routine was showing you guys how I keep my feet cute with one of my favourite lockdown purchases, my electronic foot file.

I had shown this once, years before and I got a bunch of messages thanking me for posting/linking it again, so I thought I’d make a permanent post on here so you guys can always find it.

Before I met my partner, I was a ‘keep your socks on in the bedroom’ babe, who sporadically would sit down and go through the whole foot grooming shebang, which I found particularly laborious with all the soaking, scrubbing with pumice stones, scraping with those metal grater things and all the other stuff. My visits to the nail salon to get a pedicure were even lower because I would always reason that there was no point in spending £30 when I could do it at home for free.

If you’ve followed me for a while you will know that my partner is partial to some pretty toes when the lights go out *wink wink * , so that laborious foot care routine became a lot less sporadic (if you’ve ever had someone give you an orgasm by sucking your toes, you will understand my leap in enthusiasm for wanting to keep my tootsies sexy lol madting!). Irritated by how long it took to do an at home pedicure I went on the hunt for something to speed the process up and came across my beloved electronic foot file on Amazon. This tool for under £15 completely changed the game!

The file comes with 3 interchangeable file heads with different roughness levels to tackle your dry/cracked/hardened/flaky feet at any stage within mere minutes. It also has a charging cable (you know how much we stan a rechargeable moment over here *praise hands*) and a small cleaning brush to remove any dust. The file operates at two speeds and has an indicator on the front to show you what power level it is on and alert you to when it needs charging again (side note -can brands start putting this feature on sex toys please, because the amount of times they cut out mid-session is upsetting me and my homegirls when we think it has enough power).

I am now a pro at using this tool and making the results last for weeks, so I’m gonna share them with you (its super easy).

Step 1: Put a bin or towel under your feet as you don’t want the dust/dead skin going everywhere. To turn it on, press the power button in the front. If you want more power, press it again. Start with the roughest head and go over your feet until you feel like the most offensive/crustiest layer is gone.

Step 2: Switch to the 2nd roughest head by pressing the small button on the side to release the file head and then slot the next one in. Make sure to use the cleaning brush to remove any dust from your tool between uses. Use this head to tackle any left over hard skin until it feels like the skin is at its normal softness.

Step 3: Use the smoothest head to smooth the texture of your feet. This will bring it to its softest point.

Step 4: Wash your feet to remove any left over dust/dead skin. Sometimes if I want to be extra, I use foot/body scrub while washing my feet for more silky sexy softness.

Step 5: After drying your feet, mix your lotion and a body oil in your hand and massage it in. This step is crucial to making you results last as it will help your feet to reatin moisture, keeping it softer for longer. I recommend using Palmers Coco Butter lotion with their Skin Therapy Oil or Johnson’s Baby Oil (I use this all over my body and trust me when I say there is nothing better that will make you skin softer or more moisturised).

If you want the amazing, affordable foot file that will change your life, tap this link to buy it.

*This post contains affiliate links.