Sex, Drugs & Dry January

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The first time I tried weed I was 14 (sorry Mum and Dad lol) because I was doing hoodrat stuff with my friend. The experience ended with me sitting on the floor in front of a mirror, having an existential crisis, talking to myself for 20 minutes because I was so perplexed at the fact that I was high. Sensibly, I decided that Mr Garrison from South Park was right, drugs ARE bad -and left it alone.

When I was 19, I gave it another go and my feelings around it changed significantly, mainly because I was now a barrel…barrel sounds aggressive and off brand -I was a CHANDELIER of hormones (doesn’t make sense, but it’s on brand). I noticed how it amplified my arousal tenfold, bringing my solo sessions to a whole new level of exquisitry. The nail in the coffin was the first time I got my guts rearranged while high…


And I thought wine drunk dique was good. Wine drunk dick don’t have SHIT on high dique, and that‘s on what? Mary had a lil lamb!

If I liked dique before, I LOVED it now. The shit just hit different. My sensitivity was heightened, I was much more relaxed and present in my body to the point that the trivial routes my mind would normally wander off to during partnered sex (such as the way I looked and sounded whilst being ravished by my luvah) stopped being a thing and I could wholly enjoy my experience to the absolute max. It enhanced my heauxing so much that I am now able to orgasm without even being touched. All my luvah has to do is say some freaky shit in my ear and I’m a quivering mess. It’s that real.

Dear gentle reader, before I continue, I would like to make it very clear that I am in no way saying that you should pick up this habit (also you are an adult and you are responsible for yourself), I’m simply speaking my truth…plus this blog isn’t about high sex in that sense.

There has been a lot of curiosity and studies surrounding cannabis and the effect is has on our sexuality, which is partially why a lot of brands have started incorporating CBD into their sexual wellness products.

Becky Lynn, a director of the Center for Sexual Health at Saint Louis University, who sees women with problems ranging from low libido, to painful sex, to difficulty with orgasm says that, “The link between weed and increased female sex drive has to do with three things THC does to the mind and body: It “reduces your anxiety, so you might feel more comfortable, and it slows down the perception of time and causes heightened sensations, so whatever touch you’re feeling seems bigger in your mind.” [source]

Now, I’m a bitch who believes in balance, so when the subject of Dry January (a public health campaign urging people to abstain from alcohol for the month of January) came up, I thought I’d take on the challenge, replacing the alcohol aspect with weed. I like to do this every few months to recalibrate my system anyway, to make sure that I do not become reliant on mind altering substances to live my best heaux life. I begun this detox practice a few years back, for a few months at a time to make sure that I could still enjoy sober partnered and solo sex. Each time it has taken a hot minute for my body to return to a naturally orgasmic state, but I get there.

I’m currently 11 days in to Dry January and the effects have been quite…curious.

For the first few days I had ZERO sex drive, which from experience was to be expected. What I didn’t expect was how this past weekend my pussoir and I have been doing the #BussItChallenge like mad. I’m constantly in heat and it’s like I can’t pleasure myself enough. I’ll just be chilling, minding my own business and then my arousal will come a knocking, unprovoked.

Usually, the only downside I experience with these weed detoxes is the insomnia and trying to orgasm through partnered sex, both of which get straightened out soon enough, but bitch… I dunno if it’s because of this panoramic, but I have been emotional af. I just be crying over shit that I have no business crying over, every other minute.

Today I cried because my Dad told me to wash my coffee cup. WHAT EVEN IS THAT? LOL!

I already hate crying (bad bitches don’t cry), so the fact that tears are streaming down my face over chupidness is fully sending me. I cried last week because we were in a pandemic…THIS SAME STALE PANDEMIC THAT WE’VE BEEN IN SINCE MARCH LAST YEAR! I cried because we won’t have a proper Valentines day this year (though I feel that maybe those tears are low key warranted as it’s our 5 year anniversary this year and I won’t be able to be with Mr, which is shite). I cried because I miss my friends. I cried because I was really enjoying a song. I cried because I was happy. I cried because I love Mr. I almost cried twice on last night’s live because I love you guys…

While I will say that I am happy to have my raging libido back, I am very much over this insomnia and over-emotional part of it. IT IS ENOUGH!

I will continue to monitor my behaviour for the rest of this challenge and will let you guys know how I fare by the end of it. I have an inkling that I may carry it over into February as well, but we’ll see when we get there.

Are you guys participating in Dry January/do you take weed breaks and if so, how do you find it affects you?

Drop me a comment below x